Why You Should Involve Your Audience in the Course Creation Process

Anyone who knows me in the online business world knows that my absolute FAVORITE type of online product is online courses.


There are so many reasons why… but I’ll save them for a future blog post 😉 


The focus of today’s blog is to delve deeper into why it’s so important to involve your audience or “ideal clients” in the creation of your online side hustle.


Since course creation is my forte, I’ll be using it as an example throughout. Feel free to substitute “online course” for whatever online product applies to you.


Before we dive in, let’s see what involving your audience can look like:

  • Hosting a brand logo contest 
  • Polling your audience on their favorite course platform
  • Surveying your audience’s course learning preferences


These examples are just scratching the surface, but you get the gist.


Now that we know how to involve our audience when creating an online course, let’s explore why you should in the first place.


Creating an online course can come with many important decisions to make like…

What should I name my course?

How many modules is just right?

Will my customers learn best from audio, video, text, or all of the above??


Sure, you can go with your gut or Google search the top answers, but nothing will produce an authentic course that specifically caters to YOUR audience unless you directly ASK your audience.


Sounds like a no-brainer, right?

You’d be surprised by how many novel online course creators skip this important step when first starting out. 


That’s why I preach engaging your audience in ALL steps of the course creation process, from market research to selling and beyond! 🚀🚀🚀


Here are my top 3 reasons why you should engage your audience when creating your online course:


Reason #1: It’s Indirect Marketing

By involving your audience in the course creation process, you slowly gain their trust and build awareness of your course before even beginning to sell it. You prime your audience on exciting things to come and build up their excitement by inviting them to play an important part in its creation.


Reason #2: You’re Catering to Your Audience

By asking your ideal clients for their input in your business, you ensure that your finished course caters specifically to your audience, not someone else’s. Aligning your course with your client’s wants, needs, and desires is the secret sauce to producing a successful product that sells. 


Reason #3: Crowdsource Ideas (aka, less work for you 😉)

You’ll inevitably run out of business ideas sometimes, but fear not! Your audience can be a great source of ideas for new course names, content, and more if you get stuck. They can also help you narrow down your choices quickly if you’re indecisive. 


No matter where you are in the course creation process, I challenge you to connect with your ideal clients and see how you can help them. In the process of getting to know their pain points, you’ll gain incredible insight and direction to guide your course in the right direction.💡


Want to get on the road to making 6-figures per year by creating an online course? Book a call with our team today to see if this could be a good fit for you.


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