My Top 5 Online Business Tips


Have you been thinking about starting an online business, but don't know where to start?


I was once in your shoes so I know how overwhelming it can feel sometimes.


Over the past three years in this industry, I've learned tips that I think everyone should know when starting their first online business.


Here are my top 5 favorites!


1. Choose a business name that'll last. 💡

Many of us don't think long-term when starting our first online business. Truth be told, I never imagined I would end up creating 10+ online products when I first started out!

But plenty of people end up having multiple online products and courses to replace their full-time income on they've established one.

So, it makes sense to choose a broad enough business name to group all your products and courses under. This simplifies your business (oh, and your taxes too 😉).

The best advice I've gotten is to name your business after yourself if it's not taken already. This way you can build a unique brand that adjusts well to any of your new side hustle ventures.


2. You only need to be a few steps ahead of your ideal client. 🏃‍♀️💨

Don't get sucked into thinking that you need to be an expert in your online niche to start.

Everyone in the side hustle world is constantly learning the latest strategies to improve their businesses and share with their clients. You only need to be one or two steps ahead of your ideal client to provide them value.

It's simple - figure out what people are constantly seeking knowledge about from you and create an online business with it! 


3. Invest, invest, INVEST!! 🚀🚀🚀

You know the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup?". The same applies to your online business.

The more you invest in coaches, learning opportunities, and other businesses, the more likely you are to see the knowledge you learn carry over to your own business.

Plus, in doing so, you'll find like-minded communities and incredible networking opportunities that can take your online business to the next level. 


4. Stick to 1-2 social media platforms ⚖️

The reason why most online business entrepreneurs are on social media is because they host their products and services online, meaning their ideal clients are most likely online, too.

Social media can be a powerful tool to connect with your ideal client... but being on all of them will burn you out quick.

My golden rule of thumb is to stick to two social media platforms - one where your ideal client is on and another just to have fun on. Balance your social media presence by splitting your time between the two. 


5. Engage with your ideal client 🗣️

A wise coach of mine once said "Sale is a transfer of energy".

You can't expect to sell your product or service without getting to know your potential customers first.

It doesn't have to be 1:1, but going live on Facebook to introduce yourself or chatting with an interested client via DM can do wonders to improve your customer relationships.

At the end of the day, customers will remember how you made them feel so make them feel special by putting in some effort to get to know them!


Want to get on the road to making 6-figures per year by creating an online course? Book a call with our team today to see if this could be a good fit for you.


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