The Marketing Rule of 7

Have you ever heard of the “Marketing Rule of 7”?


In the 1930s, the movie industry researched a sample of moviegoers and discovered that customers needed to see or hear an ad for a movie AT LEAST 7 times before they decided to go see the movie at the theatre.  


The same rule applies to email marketing today, though experts argue that you may need to make contact with your potential customer MORE than 7 times on social media before they purchase your products and services.


Why does social media marketing require more effort to reach your ideal clients than email marketing? Think about it.


With email marketing, your content goes directly to your audience's inbox. You can't control whether they read it or not, but at least you have peace of mind knowing your message was delivered.


General rule of thumb is to get in your audience's inbox weekly to stay on top of their minds


On the flip side, content you...

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My Top 5 Online Business Tips


Have you been thinking about starting an online business, but don't know where to start?


I was once in your shoes so I know how overwhelming it can feel sometimes.


Over the past three years in this industry, I've learned tips that I think everyone should know when starting their first online business.


Here are my top 5 favorites!


1. Choose a business name that'll last.

Many of us don't think long-term when starting our first online business. Truth be told, I never imagined I would end up creating 10+ online products when I first started out!

But plenty of people end up having multiple online products and courses to replace their full-time income on they've established one.

So, it makes sense to choose a broad enough business name to group all your products and courses under. This simplifies your business (oh, and your taxes too ).

The best advice I've gotten is to name your business after yourself if it's not...

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