7 Breakthroughs You Need to Start an Online Business

Do you want break through your traditional job barriers and live a more balanced and impactful OT career online?


From talking with countless OTs who want this for themselves, I've found some common roadblocks that are holding OTs back from leveling up to a thriving online OT career. 


So let's break through them together!


Breakthrough #1: What's your fist on the table moment?


To start your own online business, you first need to want it bad enough.


What’s a life experience that made you smack your first on the table and say "I've had enough"? Use that to propel you to pivot your career online.


Breakthrough #2: What will keep you moving forward?


Without momentum, the fastest runner in the world would even lose a race.


You've got to keep your eyes on the prize. That means figuring out what your end goals in online business are in the first place.


Imagine that you can have anything you want. The sky's the limit....

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Should you start a Facebook group?

"Should I start a Facebook group for my business?"


I get this question asked ALL the time.


I started my Facebook group, Taking OTs Online, about three years ago. But I only started intentionally running it as a way to pour value and a TON of free resources into OTs/OTAs looking to start an online business about a year and a half ago. Can't believe we're 6k members strong now!!


From a marketing perspective, the idea of providing value and serving your audience is (in my personal opinion) the best way to market a business because you get to organically build trust with your audience. I love that we get to do that in our group in a way that makes our community engaging and enjoyable unlike a lot of other static Facebook groups that don't necessarily nurture community. 


The short answer...

Is starting a Facebook group a good business strategy overall? Yes. I know lots of business owners who have had great success with their groups. 


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